This workshop is designed to assist students in higher education with identifying their internal gifts and external resources despite having to face a myriad of adversities. As a survivor of foster care and chronic poverty, understanding the full scope of my talents was essential in breaking the barriers that were impeding my success. While more resources are needed, I similarly had to learn how to strategically access those that were available. I intend to teach as many as possible how to similarly identify their strengths, as well as existing resources. Click below for booking inquiries.
This workshop relies on my years of experience as a law professor to guide students in developing the necessary mindset for academic and professional success. As a Black woman law professor, I have consistently observed that students from marginalized groups face unique barriers in terms of accessing the tools that they need in order to excel. This workshop seeks to fill at least some of those gaps by teaching students from marginalized backgrounds to understand the value of their differences, to lead with their strengths, and to build a mosaic of resources. Click below for booking inquiries.
This workshop provides integral tools for individuals seeking to optimize their career and leadership trajectories. These tools are largely centered around developing branding strategies within participants' organizations to highlight their core strengths and accomplishments. Pursuing projects that utilize such strengths is an essential component to this process. This workshop further provides participants with tools to develop their personal brands outside of their organizations by promoting their expertise and widening their networks. Click below for booking inquiries.